The infamous abandoned police station, refuge from the gales

Following the Carretera Austral to Villa O'Higgins with a wait for the ferry before crossing back into Chile at Paso Dos Lagunas near El Chalten. At El Chalten we spent 11 days hiking amongst the bases of Fitzroy and Cerro Torre followed by the Huemul Circuit. We needed to wait 4 days for good enough weather for the Huemul as Paso del Viento and Paso Huemul are quite exposed. This circuit was one of the highlights of our entire trip with stunning views over the incomprehensible Southern Patagonian Ice Field. From El Chalten we elected to continue by bike across the pampas rather than take the bus, waking at 4am daily to reduce the ferocious winds from impossible to barely manageable. This stretch did however offer some spectacular sunrises as well as sightings of Armadillos, Flamingoes, Condors, Guanacos and foxes every day. Due to a long stretch of poor weather for Torres Del Paine and conflicting reports from others ahead we elected to deviate south to Rio Turbio and over into Puerto Natales, riding the tailwind all the way. I can definitely see the advantage of taking the bus across such barren wastelands, but overall I would say both options have their equal merits.